Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Morning concert

Here I am playing piano with my dad :)
Now that my mother is still recuperating from her back operation and cannot carry me in one of her beautiful babywraps, I get to ride with papa in this baby carrier. A very nice place to sleep, by the way, if you happen to have a stuffed nose!

Monday, November 30, 2009


Mmmmm, these babies always taste good!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

with mummi

My mom was operated on her back this week and so I have been spending a lot of time with mummi. Here we are going outside!
A week ago I learned to roll from my back to my tummy and am now doing it a lot. Then I get frustrated as I can't yet crawl forward. Well you can't say that I ain't trying!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Mom had to pretend as if she's not filming, so that I would smile and laugh. Usually I just stare at the camera, but here you get a small taste of what a happy fellow I am :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Laughing and rolling over

I have learned to laugh out loud and to roll over from tummy to my back (although I've only done it three times) and also from back to tummy, except then my arm still stays under me and I roll quickly back to my back. But I am really practising a lot! Mom and Oma have been trying to take pictures and films of me laughing or rolling, but I always find the camera too interesting and stop whatever I was doing. This here is a very typical expression on my face.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Outdoor trends

This is the hippest outdoor outfit at the moment!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Baptism 18.10

I was baptised to the finnish evangelical-lutheran church on sunday 18.10.09. I was behaving really nicely! My godmother Nina held me during the whole thing, I didn't cry at all, was only eating my fists in the middle of the ceremony.

Monday, October 12, 2009


I really like my mobile (well, it's my sister's actually, she got it from mom's friend Alexandra), sometimes I stay happy with it for even 10 minutes! Enough for my mom to enjoy her breakfast. Pay also attention to my cool outfit, thanks Jerry :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bobbie and me, part 2

My cousin Bobbie was visiting me this weekend! I am only 12 days older than she is. Later I am really looking forward to playing with her!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I am adorable!

From this short film you can see how adorable I am!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I can already hold my head up quite high and especially when I am in someone's arms I keep it up very steady. I am growing so fast!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Finally I gave my mom a nice smile while she had the camera in her hand. This was taken today. And thanks Ellu for these really nice pants!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

2 month old cutie

I'm gonna become a real heartbreaker, ain't I? :)
These are taken two weeks ago by my Oma.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Nice portraits

I spent a weekend at my grandparents together with mom and my sister Suvi and my Oma took some really nice pictures of me. I'll share two of them here with you, so you can all see what a beautiful baby I am!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sleeping in a sling

My mom has been getting a bit hooked on slings, but I don't mind. It's gives me a lovely chance to sleep close to her all the time.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sleeping in a bag

This is how I sleep at night. My mom doesn't wanna let me sleep on her chest the whole night (I wonder why? It would be so nice), nor does she want to let me sleep on my tummy and so this is the only way to get me to sleep on my back. About two weeks ago I started to have such strong Moro reflexes, that I always made myself awake two minutes after I had fallen asleep. This bag keeps my hands in place. It's not really swaddling, as my arms are not kept along my body, but are free inside the bag. But at least I don't get to slap myself in the face anymore :)

6 weeks old

A series of photos from me today, I am exactly 6 weeks old! Sorry that some pictures are not so sharp; I was moving a lot while my mom was trying to take a picture. But those unsharp ones were the only ones showing my lovely smile, so I added them here anyway :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sleeping on Mummi

In this picture I am 4 weeks and 1 day old. I am sleeping on Mummi and judging from my face, I seem to be dreaming..

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


My mummi is still here until the end of this week. She has been helping me a lot with my stomach problems, so that my mom has been able to relax once in a while. Mummi is very nice! It's a pity she lives so far away..

Friday, July 31, 2009

Bobbie and me

Here I am with my cousin Bobbie. She was born at the early hours of tuesday this week, so she's 12 days younger than me. We went to visit her on wednesday and I got to pose for some pictures with her.

Monday, July 27, 2009


My Oma made a really nice video about me and my sister. You can see it at:
The music there is of course made by my dad!! Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009



eyes open

are you looking at me?

my grandmother also wants to be on the blog

well....Oma deserves to be on the blog

Sunday, July 19, 2009

some pictures

Hello world!

I was born last thursday in Reinier de Graaf hospital in Delft. Mom wanted to give birth at home, but I had unfortunately pooed in the amniotic fluid and so she had to quickly go to the hospital to deliver me there. At that point I was already a bit in a hurry: mom, dad and doula-Linda arrived at the hospital at 15:43 and at 16:10 I was born! Everything went really well and on friday morning we could go home.
Here are pictures from the hospital during my first couple of hours. Dad will soon post some pictures taken at home.